I am blogging to you guys about the dangers of crossing the street without taking the appropriate safety measures. One should always look both ways before crossing the street. There are a myriad of dangers that await a careless pedestrian: cars, bicyclists, skateboarders, motorcycles, and other wheeled things.
One must always use a crosswalk and be sure to gesture to motorists indicating an intention to cross. After the motorist has established eye contact, feel free to give a wave or a point of the finger- something to let the motorist know you intend to cross the road. Once intention has been established, look around you once more to make sure other motorists are aware of your intentions. Cautiously, enter the crosswalk. Once it is clear that all motorists have fully stopped and await your safe arrival to the opposing side of the street, walk-- never run-- to the other side of the street within the crosswalk.
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